Create your niche.
What I would say to my successor is that it is important not just to shoot but to aim.- Barack Obama
Unless you're a go-getter super star networker, marketing can be an overwhelming process. It's hard to break through the time commitments, the content clutter, the cultivating of new ideas. Stop wasting valuable time on resources by not having a solid plan. Let's create your target!
Together we define the folks in your audience, what they need, and how to reach them. We zoom in tightly to create a little niche. And then we pull out our marketing bow and arrow...bam!
The creative marketing services we offer:
- content creation and blog writing
- newsletters, both print and email
- brochures
- leave-behinds for events
- newsletter subscribes
- web landing pages
- online giveaway materials like books, articles
- guest books, for events, real estate, open houses
- social media account artwork
- templates for social media tiles and online advertising
- social media campaign management
- web site memberships
- ad banners and online advertising
- organic search engine optimization (SEO)
- Google ads, Facebook ads, Instagram ads

Tell the World
Thought Leadership
Nobody knows your business like you do. So be the expert. Publish articles, offer webinars, post on social media. These are all great ways to prove you are a resource, a person sought after for his/her skills, ideas and knowledge.This is also a great way to serve. Offer your community tips, education and promotions. There are so many needs out there. How can you fulfill some of them?
Let's create a plan
While you can do great things on your own, together we can exponentially achieve more. We have experience. Lots of it.Be more effective. Save time. Have fun. Call us.
"Don’t bunt. Aim out of the ballpark. Aim for the company of immortals."