Pets: Dog-friendly
Location: Mill Creek
Level: 3 out of 5 – incline the entire way up, but never too intense
Water: Yes, the first third of the trail follows a beautiful stream
Popularity: I feel very safe hiking this trail alone as there are enough people on it. Not great for Covid-19, but awesome for safety.
Parking: plenty nearby
Shade/Temp: Great for hot days since there is tons of shade and water. Once you get up to Lamb’s Canyon Pass it gets much hotter.
Gear: I wore shorts hiking this trail, but didn’t go all the way to Lamb’s because the brush at the top was wiping against my legs and got a little scratchy.
Flowers: Plenty of beautiful flowers still during the beginning of August.

Today I took Coco, Chloe and Ginger to Elbow Fork in Mill Creek Canyon and hiked for 2 1/2 hours up to Lamb’s Canyon Pass. I arrived around 930 am and it was still really cold getting started since it follows the creek and is super shady. The trail is dog-friendly but eventually ends before you reach Lamb’s Canyon if you do have your dog, as they aren’t allowed in the other canyon. There will be a nice big sign letting you know.
The hike goes up at a steady incline. It’s a little tiring but it’s not bad. It tires out the girls! And it’s super fun to run back down. Eventually it makes a strong left onto the pass and then it evens out a bit more as you go through the aspens.
There are a few places where the trail gets muddy because a tiny little stream crosses over it. There is even one bridge.
It’s August 2nd and there are still plenty of flowers along the trail, especially at the beginning. There were a few species that were done, but still tons of beautiful ones decorating this beautiful trail. This is a very lusciously green trail that brings you up to a fine patch of aspen trees up on the pass.
There are plenty of invisible critters – we heard lots of rustling but didn’t see many faces. Except for a shocked squirrel who looked plastered to the bottom of a tree that had a look of horror as Ginger was contemplating what to do. I threw on her leash before she could chase the little cutie. It was only about three feet away from us!
Overall, this is a wonderful trail. It’s great in summer because of all the shade and water. It’s a little hard climbing all the way up to the pass, but it’s very doable. The flowers are amazing and there is plenty of activity. There is a restroom at the trail head and plenty of dog bags, although you still may want to bring your own, just to make sure. It took me about 2.5 hours to climb up into the aspens on the pass and back down again. We are pretty leisurely.

Design Inspiration

I always look for inspiration from nature for my design projects. Here is an amazing pattern and texture that I would like to use. I love her sexy black and white contrast, as well as her big, chunky textures. There is nothing little and delicate about this rustic beauty. I will find a very fine place to use her inspiring colors and textures in a future project.