Yoga Teacher Training Manuals
Manual Templates
If you are starting from scratch:
Custom Branded + Designed 200-hour YTT Manual Workbook
The base template custom designed with your branding styles. This yoga teacher training manual workbook includes:
- Yoga Alliance structure: outline and table of contents built around the required content
- Cover pages: Full color cover is beautifully custom-designed to your brand, also includes 4+ black/white section dividers also branded
- Illustrations: colorful and diverse poses, anatomy, charts (koshas, chakras, etc.)
- Base content: headlines, subheadlines, a bit of supporting descriptions, you fill in your expertise and own voice
- Notes and journaling: plenty of space for students to add their notes and thoughts
- Homework: practice + teaching logs, space to add questions and reflection questions
- 40 Poses: you choose the poses you want included, plus illustrations (upgrade available to use your own photos, or add more poses)
- Professional design: The manual is professionally designed, complete with photos and design elements
- Supporting document: How to use MS Word Styles, working with Google fonts, about page numbers, printing options and any additional details needed to work with your file
- Final file: PDF for print and digital release, Word DOC for future editing
- Your branding and logo are incorporated into the overall page design
- One round of edits to the manual (additional rounds of revisions are available at an hourly rate)
- Purchase the template.
- You will receive instructions on how to submit your branding elements for the custom design, as well as the support document.
- We request 7 business days after receiving the branding to complete the custom design.
- You will receive a Word DOC and PDF file of the manual for editing. Compare the Word file to the PDF to ensure the fonts and layouts are loading properly. It is vital that you see the true design so we are on call for tech support.
- Look over all of content, add your own content, make a list of any edits you might need to the manual. You have up to 1 year after purchase to submit the manual for the final round of edits.
- You will receive final files for publishing within 7 days of submitting.
While we can't guarantee that Yoga Alliance will accept your manual, we have a 100% track record of approvals. If your manual does not get accepted, we will continue working with you at an hourly rate until it is.
Let's get started!
200-hour YTT Manual Base Template Workbook
If you love the yoga teacher training manual above but are on a bit of a budget, get the basic template without the custom design. It's already beautifully designed and it's easy to drop your logo on the cover.You will receive the workbook as both an editable MS Word file and a PDF file for reference. The basics are all there, you just finish the content descriptions with your own voice, in your own yoga lineage.
This version does not include any tech support, although we are happy to answer any simple questions via email.
Order the manually today and you'll have the files within 1-2 business days!
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Professional Custom Design
If you already wrote your YTT manual:
Custom Design 200-HOUR YTT Manual
Already wrote your YTT manual? Send it over and we'll custom design it with your branding and unique expression. We'll transform your MS Word document into a beautifully, professionally designed document that is ready for print and digital release.This custom design package includes:
- Branding + styles are applied to your supplied MS Word file. This includes your logo, fonts, color palette. If you don't have some of these things, we help choose them with you.
- Font styling is applied to all content to maintain consistency and ease of updating across the entire document.
- 2 Rounds of edits are offered after the first draft is presented. Additional edits are available at an hourly rate.
- Photography We supply stock photography, as well as incorporate any of your personal images.
- Illustrations We include our own illustrations for all yoga poses, charts and anatomy. Our colorful yoga images offer diversity, representing all yoga bodies. Want to use your own yoga pose photos? We can produce and place them at your hourly rate.
- 200 Pages of content (text at 12 pt font) is included with this price. Additional pages may be designed at your hourly rate.
- Supporting document: How to use MS Word Styles, working with Google fonts, about page numbers, printing options and any additional details needed to work with your file
- Final files are provided to you for publishing and editing. You will receive both the final MS Word file and a PDF.

Workshops and modular trainings
Workshop + Training Modules
Training modules are available as add-ons to any YTT manual package, or as stand-alone training documents. As add-ons, they are designed to match the rest of your manual. As stand-alone documents, they are provided as both an MS Word doc and PDF so that you may integrate or use them just as they are!
- Custom Poses - 40 of your choice $108
- Poses - 108 standard poses $200
- Ayurveda 101 $100
- Ashtanga (primary sequence, about, counting, chants, Mysore, etc) $800
- Chakras $75
- Koshas $50
- Mantra / Chanting (includes transliteration of 5 popular chants, 5 yoga sutras, chakra bija mantras) $75
- Sanskrit (alphabet and word lists in transliteration) $100
- Yoga Lineages $50
- Yoga Sutras (an introduction) $75
Customizations and additional design services are available. Please contact me for a full price list or to further discuss your YTT manual project.
Live online classes
I currently offer the following 3 live Zoom courses for YTT programs and studio workshops. Courses are open to as many students as you would like to invite and are held online. You may charge for and promote the classes however you like. You may keep the recordings, but they are only to be offered to the students who registered for that session and may not be repackaged or resold to new students.Sanskrit for Yoga ($250): four 60-min live classes with workbook. This class is also available as Sanskrit for Ayurveda. Learn the alphabet, mouth positions, proper pronunciation plus lots of great yoga (or ayurveda) words...from pose names to philosophy.
Ayurveda for Yoga Teachers ($250): four 90-min live classes, including PPT deck, recipes, quizzes and shopping list. Learn how to integrate ayurveda into your life and your yoga practice/classes through daily routine, seasonal adjustments, and proper practices.
Branding and Marketing for Yoga and Ayurveda Professionals ($75): one 120-min live class, includes beautiful PPT deck. Learn how to brand and market your new yoga or ayurveda business. We focus on naming the company, building a brand, developing a target audience and creating the tools for impactful, consistent messaging.

I specialize in designing yoga teacher training manuals. Whether you are starting from scratch, or have already written your manual and need a professional polish, I would love to be a part of your project.I have studied yoga, ayurveda and sanskrit for over 15 years and would love to share my expertise, especially the language of yoga. I have a variety of design packages, modules and trainings listed below.
You can trust my experience and knowledge to authentically design and edit your yoga teacher training manual based on many years of my own practice and training yoga teachers. I put my whole heart into each one, sharing my skills as a designer and experienced yoga practitioner.
I speak the language of yoga.
My experience runs deep, both in the study + practice of yoga, but also in study of sanskrit and devanagari, ayurveda, vedic philosophy and chanting. You can expect your manuals to be beautifully designed, as well as touched up with some authentic sanskrit design elements. I understand the foundation of this ancient language, so both devanagari and transliteration are available in training manuals, upon your request.